Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Great Salmon Show

It was obvious something special was going on when we arrived at the landing at 5:00 am, and the lot was already filled. Once we got on the river we saw that there were hundreds of boats on the section of the Kenai River where we would fish today.

Everyone was there because the salmon were running. Most anglers, including us, had king salmon in mind. The world record king came from the Kenai. In fact, we started our day in the spot where that fish was caught. A few anglers were after sockeyes, which are just starting to run. We actually caught a few of them today, and we'll target them in the morning.

I missed my chance at a king, which got off right at the boat. Our group only landed one king, but we saw lots of others landed by others around us. It was fun being in the middle of all the excitement and absolutely amazing how the anglers worked together. A raised net means a fish is on, and when a net goes up other boats are always quick to clear space, bring in lines or whatever they need to do to get out of the way.

I suppose I'd better sleep now. Alarm is set for 3:30 am.

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