Monday, July 25, 2011

Pigeon Hole

I never drive past the Pigeon River without thinking about its chunky smallmouths, but normally when I'm on the section of Interstate 40 that parallels the Pigeon, I'm on the way to or traveling home from a far-away destination, and stopping isn't practical. Yesterday afternoon, while driving home from Knoxville, Nathaniel and I decided to get off at the Waterville exit and hit one Pigeon hole.

We didn't fish terribly long because it was already late afternoon and we were still a couple of hours from home, and we stayed on the bank, instead of wading. Despite the quick-hit approach, we did draw a few fierce surface strikes with Rebel Bighoppers, drifted and waked on the surface, and Nathaniel managed to land one pretty fish. A fun stop, for sure, and now Nathaniel is pretty eager to get back to the Pigeon on a day when fishing is the main objective!

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