Nathaniel hears that question a lot when we travel, especially when we are together on a weekday afternoon and it doesn't happen to be summer or Christmastime. "I'm home-schooled," he normally answers, with me adding that what we're doing together is part of his education.
Some folks ponder that a moment and affirm that he's probably learning more than others his age who are sitting in classrooms. Others nod their heads politely, probably convinced that he's missing much of what he's "supposed to learn" or thinking that he should be around other people his age.
A big part of our most recent trip was participation in the Southeastern Outdoor Press Association's annual conference. During the conference we took workshops related to writing skills, the publishing business and social and conservation issues. Nathaniel also learned first-hand how a membership meeting runs, shared in business conversations in the halls and around meal tables, sat at the head table for a breakfast, helped with an auction, played a big part in the pickin' and grinnin' SEOPA tradition and much more. Throughout the weekend, he spent time with writers, editors and other industry folks, plus their family members.
For a young man who has an interest in outdoors communications as at least a part of his vocation, it's hard for me to imagine better opportunities for all-day learning. He filled in an application while we were there and will soon become SEOPA's youngest student member. I'm thankful for the way the membership welcomed Nathaniel and got him involved with various aspects of the conference. He's already looking forward to next year's conference.