Saturday, December 22, 2012

Break from Fish Stories

When the plane I'm on touches down in Atlanta, I'll be a couple of hours from home and happy to leave fish stories and other work stuff aside for a few days to enjoy celebrating Christmas with my family. Tonight I'll get to read our Advent story -- a job Nathaniel has done well while I've been traveling. I look forward to a Sunday service of Carols and Christmas passage readings from Scripture, a meal shared with our church family and a few different gatherings with various family members during Christmas week.
My favorite time, though, is early Christmas morning, when it's only my wife, my children and me in our own home, and we gather around the Advent Wreath to read the Christmas story and light the Christ Candle and around the tree to open presents from one another. With six children in our home there's much  excitement on Christmas morning, as we share in celebrating the greatest gift ever. 

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