Friday, December 7, 2012

Come Monday, I'll be on Ice

When winter starts showing itself, many of my friends in the fishing business start heading south on their fishing trips. Seems I'm usually headed the other way because of my fondness for ice-fishing. My first ice trip of this year is only a coupe of days away. I fly to Minnesota on Sunday and will be hitting the ice first thing Monday morning. It appears a good northern Minnesota greeting aways me at Upper Red Lake, where I'm scheduled to fish first. Sunday's forecast calls for temps ranging from -3 to 17, with a 70 percent chance of snow and a stiff northwest wind. I won't complain, though. It's early in the season and I've been cheering for them to have really cold weather to ensure that we have good, safe ice.

I hope you'll ride along for ice reports, photos, tips, etc. Access and computer opportunities sometimes provide practical limitations, but I'll do my best to keep fresh stuff posted from the trip. I'll be fishing different waters each day for three days and will probably do at least some fishing for walleyes, pike and assorted panfish. I'll also be fishing with some real veterans of the ice.

I also plan to shoot some video, including fishing action and some solid ice tips, so keep an eye on the YouTube channel.

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