Autumn, 6, got called to camera duty yesterday evening when the fish that slurped down my Rebel Crickhopper Popper turned out to be far bigger than what normally shows up in the pond where we were fishing. Although, she'd never used the camera that was around my neck when the fish hit, I think she did a fine job of taking the canoe transfer, figuring out which buttons do what and composing a nice photo of me and my catch.
Autumn and I had determined to make a quick lap around the pond before it got dark. She had only fished from the bank before, so just casting from a canoe was a new experience for her. She caught one bass on a 3-inch YUM Dinger and had a few other strikes. Unfortunately, the one Autumn caught slipped away before I could return the photo favor.
Nathaniel looked at the photos after Autumn and I got back home, and we believe it's the same fish he's caught two other times from the same pond. We call her Melody, after his big, goofy dog. Most bass in the pond, which only covers a couple of acres, weigh 1 1/2 pounds or less, and we've fished it enough over the years that we think we'd know it if there was more than one extra big fish. Assuming it is the same fish, she's notably thinner than either time Nathaniel has caught her before. However, our spring came so late and our water has been so high that I think she might have the post-spawn sort of look a bass normally has in around May around here. She didn't look unhealthy. Just much more slender than in previous photos.
Melody or not, that fish, which I landed on an ultralight outfit and 4-pound test line, provided a big surprise and a fun bonus for our Sunday evening outing.
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