Monday, July 22, 2013

Ugly Tour Pretty Cool

Pros and guides? Nope. Classic destinations? Sometimes. Big catches? The fish will get to decide that part, but the first couple of go-rounds have produced an 8-pound largemouth and a whole bunch of crappie.

To spread word about the new Ugly Stik GX2, the folks at Ugly Stik have launched the Ugly Tour, which is sending a single Ugly Stik rod, a 6-6, medium heavy spinning rod, all over the country to fish for everything that swims, with each trip documented with an Ugly Tour webisode. Fishing could be by boat, bank or pier and in fresh or salt water, and the folks doing the fishing are Ugly Stik users who have applied by telling about the waters they fish and a favorite Ugly Stik memory. You can watch learn about the tour, watch existing webisodes and even apply to be added to the tour on the Ugly Tour website.

The tour highlights everything anglers across the country love about Ugly Stiks because it takes seriously tough equipment to send the same rod all over the place and put it in so many hands. It also shows the rod's diversity because the tour will include trips for a huge variety of fish species in all different settings. The webisodes, which are only a few minutes long, highlight the stories of the anglers themselves and the waters those anglers most like to fish. Each also depicts a real day on the water, no matter what the fish decide to do.

In addition to the Ugly Tour website, you can keep up with the tour through various social media outlets: facebook, uglystikfishing; Twitter or Instagram, @uglystik; YouTube, uglystikTV.

I know I'll be following the tour, so when I see an especially cool episode I'll try to remember to mention it. For now, check out episodes 1 and 2 and see what you think. Ugly Tour.

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