Thursday, January 8, 2015

Autumn's Bug Collection

Autumn's bedroom got some new décor yesterday. Not typical décor for an 8-year-old girl and her 2-year-old sister, but a style that suits Autumn's interests well.

The jigs she love to tie were busting out of their boxes, so she decide to hang them where they weren't all mushed together and the could look at them more easily, and where she and I could select the right ones for the job when we go fishing.

It has been fun watching Autumn's "bait making" skills develop. Early ones all looked like salmon flies -- big and bold, with bright color and feathers going in many directions. The ones she makes now use more olive and other natural colors, and she tries to tie baits she believes will catch fish. Many will, I'm quite certain, and I look forward to a little warmer weather so we can go fish our hand-tied jigs together.

In the meantime, the bug collection will continue growing. In fact, I think it's growing right now!

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