Monday, January 30, 2017

Fishing in Paris

My daughter and I are traveling to Paris in a couple of months (late March), and if it's a viable option, we hope to try a bit of "street fishing" in the city. Reports I've read so far are mixed. While there does seem to be some opportunity right in the middle of the city and for a good variety of species, I haven't found anything specific to likely river conditions that early in the year or about the best approaches.

Fishing sounds fun to us, but it's far from our main priority. We are going to see the city. For the sake of packing space, it would have to be fishing we could do with a couple of small pack rods and a fairly small box of lures. Also, we'd consider a day trip to an outlying area if there were practical transportation options, especially if it was another area we wanted to see anyway. However, the biggest interest would be trying to catch a fish or two from the Seine River or canals that run right through Paris.

If anyone who reads this has suggestions about locations, approaches or resources for learning more, I'd love to hear from you. If we do end up fishing, you can count on a Paris fishing report!

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