Sunday, December 8, 2013

Smallmouth Fishing Weather

With spotty rain turning steady even falling hard in spurts, and the temperature holding right around 38, there was only one good thing to do with the couple hours of daylight that remained after traveling. So we did just that: We went fishing. Only one chunky bronzeback made it into the boat, and of course a bigger one did what big ones (especially big smallmouths) do best. It jumped high enough to show off its thick, bronze sides, shook the hook and returned to the river.

It was fun getting out for a head start on the three full days of Tennessee River fishing that will follow, and in truth the rain and semi-cold air only added excitement. It also allowed us to have the Wheeler tailwater to ourselves.

Tomorrow's plan is to spend a full day on Pickwick with Jimmy Mason. Oh, and if you happened to read a day or two ago when I said the rain was supposed to clear by tomorrow. That's changed. Cold, dark and wet, all day long. Sound like smallmouth fishing weather to me!

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